Hello Jeff,

On Sun, 24 Nov 2013, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
> Hmmm ... what is checked into cvs is already fixed (so likely fixed since 
> popt-1.16):
> ...
> .RB "arguments. When " --usage " or " --help " are passed to programs which
> use popt's automatic help, popt displays the appropriate message on
> stderr as soon as it finds the option, and exits the program with a
> return code of 0. If you want to use popt's automatic help generation in
> ...
> A conversion from a string to a number (int or long) failed due
> to the string containing non-numeric characters. This occurs when
> .BR poptGetNextOpt() " is processing an argument of type "

I am a bit confused: I had a look to branch popt_1_17 (version
and version 1.23...and both do not seem to contain these changes. That is
why I updated the patch and re-sent it. What did I overlook or where is
my mistake?


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