
I can not remember arm32 GHA failures in 17 or 11.  But without checking
I think there were backports dedicated to that platform.  So the maintenance
fits the needs. It's probably also a platform that just compiles if other linux
platforms do so.  Win32 might be more fragile there.

Another example is Solaris and Sparc in 11. They have only very sporadic
developer attention, and there are no GHA tests.

Best regards,

From: jdk-dev <jdk-dev-r...@openjdk.org> On Behalf Of Aleksei Voitylov
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 7:54 PM
To: Stewart Addison <s...@redhat.com>
Cc: jdk-...@openjdk.org; porters-dev@openjdk.org; boris.ulasev...@bell-sw.com; 
Subject: Re: Is 32-bit Arm support being actively maintained in JDK21 and head?

The definition of "actively maintained" may vary, depending on who you ask. I'd 
rather say we are keeping the lights on in head. I recently fixed a couple of 
issues related to ARM32, namely 8315940, 8316879. There is more in the pipeline 
following 8301997/8320278 (the full fix is being tested now, will post it soon).

It's hard to answer on behalf of all maintainers, but the intent from BellSoft 
end is to continue to keep the lights on for now. Will there be time when we 
abandon this port? Definitely. But I don't think it has come just yet.

If you are willing to help with this effort, you are warmly welcome.


On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 20:14, Stewart Addison 
<s...@redhat.com<mailto:s...@redhat.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

This is a bit of a follow up to the discussion on Windows 32-bit builds in the 
jdk-dev thread from yesterday, but is anyone currently actively maintaining the 
32-bit Arm code for the JDK21 and HEAD streams? Noting that unlike Win32, there 
are GitHub PR tests for Arm32 so failures are more likely to get noticed than 
for Win32.
Eclipse Temurin has not yet released a version of JDK21 but we have had a user 
ask about whether we will do so (issue 
link<https://github.com/adoptium/adoptium-support/issues/962>), since we have 
done so for previous LTS releases. As input to making a decision on this it 
would be helpful to understand if the platform has a strong support story 
upstream for the latest release streams which would be important to us to be 
able to maintain such a release, or if it is likely to go the same way as Win32 
i.e. that it will suffer failures over time which would make it harder to 
support it along with the other platform ports.

The wiki at https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/hotspot/ports lists Boris 
Ulasevich and Sergey Nazarkin as maintainers, so I've explicitly copied both on 
this email but I'm looking to see if there is still active maintenance going on 
with the Arm32 port from any members of the openjdk community for the newer 
codebases, or whether there is any possibility of it being deprecated at some 
point like Win32.

Thanks in advance,


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