Synopsis: neomutt segmentation faults when command line email sent

Category:       user
Environment:    OpenBSD 6.6 Details     : OpenBSD 6.6-current
  (GENERIC.MP) #427: Sat Nov  2 13:23:11 MDT 2019

    Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64 Machine     : amd64
    Neomutt segmentation faults when command line email is sent.
    echo "hi there" | neomutt -s hi root@localhost
    neomutt -s somesubject somebody@any.where < sometextfile

    This happens with or without a subject, to any email address. It
    also happens with or without a muttrc or neomuttrc file present.

    It happens on several different current boxes with different
    hardware, including one box with kern.version=OpenBSD 6.6-current
   (GENERIC) #410: Tue Nov  5 17:00:09 MST 2019,
    and no packages other than neomutt dependencies.

    Sending email with neomutt from the command line stopped working
    for me around Oct 27. I use cwm and have tried from an xterm
    with and without tmux. 

    Sending does with neomutt-20180716p1-gpgme-sasl on one box that 
    runs 6-6.current GENERIC.MP #389.

    I've tried neomutt-20191102-gpgme-sasl and neomutt-20191102 on a
    few current boxes, but it always seg faults.

    I'm very sorry that I don't know where to start fixing it. I
    will also build it from ports on another current box. I can
    include a diff of neomutt -D  5 on a working vs nonworking
    version if needed. I could run gdb on neomutt, but I'm not sure
    how to run it on something like "neomutt some@company.domain

    Looking at the source code like a monkey at a monolith, I see in
    main.c that the address of bodytext is passed to
    mutt_parse_mailto, but I don't understand where bodytext gets
    the actual text of the body. It must be there, I just don't
    understand. I mention it on the off chance that that might

    As a separate issue, I notice the N showing which mailboxes
    have new mail seems to have disappeared. If I set the sidebar
    as suggested in the neomutt guide with sidebar_format =
    "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S" it will show which boxes
    have new mail, but the N next to the mailbox doesn't appear.
    That happens with or without the sidebar visible. It used
    to work in the previous version. Of courses, that's with a
    .neomuttrc with mailboxes defined.
    Even with these bugs, neomutt is still great and lets me escape
    webmail and other slow email clients.

    I would like to thank all the developers. OpenBSD is amazing.
    I run my business using only OpenBSD machines -- routers,
    access points, webservers, and yes all my desktop machines.
    Thank you!

    (I don't think this will be on the ports list, but  I apologize
    if that happens. I accidentally sent to ports before subscribing.)

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