CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2009/01/04 07:04:10

Log message:
    Initial import of clusterssh 3.24
    ClusterSSH opens terminal windows with connections to specified hosts
    and an administration console. Any text typed into the administration
    console is replicated to all other connected and active windows.
    This tool is intended for, but not limited to, cluster administration
    where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node within
    the cluster. Performing these commands all at once via this tool ensures
    all nodes are kept in sync.
    ok steven@, ajacoutot@
    Vendor Tag: kevlo
    Release Tags:       kevlo_2009-Jan-04
    N ports/security/clusterssh/Makefile
    N ports/security/clusterssh/distinfo
    N ports/security/clusterssh/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/security/clusterssh/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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