CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2019/07/27 09:16:01

Modified files:
        lang/php       : Makefile 
        lang/php/7.1   : Makefile 
        lang/php/7.1/patches: patch-sapi_fpm_www_conf_in 
        lang/php/7.2   : Makefile 
        lang/php/7.2/patches: patch-sapi_fpm_www_conf_in 
        lang/php/7.3   : Makefile 
        lang/php/7.3/patches: patch-sapi_fpm_www_conf_in 

Log message:
add a note to the sample php-fpm.conf files that if using TCP (rather than
the patched default of a unix socket), the fpm port should never be exposed
to the internet.

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