On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 04:32:01PM -0700, Kurt Miller wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  ports
> Changes by:   k...@cvs.openbsd.org    2020/01/20 16:32:01
> Added files:
>       benchmarks/fio : Makefile distinfo 
>       benchmarks/fio/pkg: DESCR PLIST 
> Log message:
> fio is a IO benchmarking tool that can simulate various user defined
> workloads. fio will spawn a number of threads or processes doing a
> particular type of IO action as specified by the user.  It takes a
> number of global parameters, each inherited by the thread unless other
> parameters given to them overriding that setting.  The typical use of
> fio is to write a job file matching the IO load one wants to simulate.

Fwiw it conflicts with geo/py-fiona, which also installs bin/fio in the
default python2 flavor. Either set the @conflict markers or rename the
benchmarks/fio binary to something else in post-install..

[07:46] c64:/usr/ports/benchmarks/fio/ $doas pkg_add py-fiona
[07:47] c64:/usr/ports/benchmarks/fio/ $make install
===>  Installing fio-3.17 from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/
Collision in fio-3.17: the following files already exist
        /usr/local/bin/fio (py-fiona-1.8.11p0 and fio-3.17)
Couldn't install fio-3.17

i *think* pkg_create was supposed to warn about such conflicts but maybe
that felt into the cracks.


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