CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2020/09/07 06:14:33

Log message:
    import shockolate, a source port of the engine for System Shock
    ok solene@ (minor tweaks to README since then)
    Shockolate - System Shock, but cross platform! Based on the source code for
    PowerPC released by Night Dive Studios, Incorporated. Shockolate is a cross
    platform source port of System Shock, using SDL2. This runs well on OSX, 
    and Windows right now, with some missing features that need reviving due to 
    being included in the source code that was released.
    The end goal for this project is something like what Chocolate Doom is for 
    an experience that closely mimics the original, but portable and with some
    quality of life improvements including an OpenGL renderer and mod support!
    Vendor Tag: thfr
    Release Tags:       thfr_20200907
    N ports/games/shockolate/Makefile
    N ports/games/shockolate/distinfo
    N ports/games/shockolate/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt
    N ports/games/shockolate/files/
    N ports/games/shockolate/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/games/shockolate/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/games/shockolate/pkg/README
    No conflicts created by this import

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