CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2020/09/11 07:54:01

Modified files:
        databases/redis: Makefile distinfo 
        databases/redis/patches: patch-src_Makefile 

Log message:
Update to Redis 6.0.8

ok rsadowski

Upgrade urgency HIGH: Anyone who's using Redis 6.0.7 with Sentinel or
CONFIG REWRITE command is affected and should upgrade ASAP, see #7760.

Bug fixes:

* CONFIG REWRITE after setting oom-score-adj-values either via CONFIG SET or
loading it from a config file, will generate a corrupt config file that will
cause Redis to fail to start
* Fix issue with redis-cli --pipe on MacOS
* Fix RESP3 response for HKEYS/HVALS on non-existing key
* Various small bug fixes

Full release notes:

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