CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2020/12/01 17:50:26

Modified files:
        devel/luacheck : Makefile 
        devel/py-virtualenv: Makefile 
        productivity/vdirsyncer: Makefile 
        textproc/py-sphinx: Makefile 

Log message:
py-sphinx no longer depends on py-sphinx_rtd_theme

Release 1.4 of py-sphinx made this dependency optional. So adapt the port
to match. Instead we add a BUILD_DEP on py-sphinx_rtd_theme to the 3 ports
that actually depend on it. This may make updating py-sphinx_rtd_theme a
bit easier to update in the future as fewer consumers would need testing.

ok kmos@, sthen@

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