CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2021/02/16 06:28:19

Modified files:
        sysutils/node_exporter: Makefile distinfo 
Removed files:
        sysutils/node_exporter/patches: patch-Makefile_common 

Log message:
Update node_exporter to v1.1.1

This update now uses go mod and requires 100+ dependencies to build.
Quite sad for a simple system value collector. Also the amd64 version
does not correctly report the memory used by the buffer cache. This
is a defect from building OpenBSD/amd64 binaries without cgo.

This no longer uses promu for builds but passes the same build vars
to go build via MODGO_LDFLAGS.

With help and OK sthen@ abieber@

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