CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2021/02/18 06:23:22

Log message:
    import devel/libcdada, ok benoit@
    Small library that offers basic data structures (list, set, map, ..)
    in a pure C API for user-space applications. Key features:
    - Easy to use, portable
    - No "magic" MACROs, and no need to modify your data structures (except,
    perhaps, for __attribute__((packed)))
    - Uses C++ standard library as the backend for most data structures
    - Reasonable performance
    Vendor Tag: sthen
    Release Tags:       sthen_20210218
    N ports/devel/libcdada/Makefile
    N ports/devel/libcdada/distinfo
    N ports/devel/libcdada/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/devel/libcdada/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/devel/libcdada/patches/patch-config_m4_debug_m4
    No conflicts created by this import

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