CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2021/08/07 06:41:16

Modified files:
        misc/gpsd      : Makefile distinfo 
        misc/gpsd/patches: patch-SConscript 
        misc/gpsd/pkg  : PLIST-main 
Added files:
        misc/gpsd/pkg  : gpsd.rc 

Log message:
update to gpsd-3.23, while there fix bad paths in gpsd_config.h (they
included the port WRKDIR) and add an rc script for the daemon.

notably includes a fix for a GPS rollover bug that will be triggered
after 2021-10-23 affecting gpsd 3.20 and above, in code that was doing
sanity checks against leap second numbers; choice comment from the
discussion at :-

"Until last year, leap seconds had been very predicable. The effect of
global warming on earth rotational speeds was only very recently seen,
or even predicted. But, yes, going forward, that needs to change."

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