CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2022/06/20 10:17:53

Log message:
    import pixelorama-0.10.1
    Pixelorama is a free and open source pixel art editor, proudly created with 
    Godot Engine, by Orama Interactive. Whether you want to make animated pixel
    art, game graphics, tiles and any kind of pixel art you want, Pixelorama has
    you covered with its variety of tools and features.
    port from Riccardo Mazzurco who is also taking maintainership, thanks!
    tweaks and improvements from Yifei Zhan and sthen@; ok sthen@
    Vendor Tag: op
    Release Tags:       op_20220620
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/Makefile
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/distinfo
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/files/pixelorama.desktop
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/files/
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/graphics/pixelorama/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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