CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2022/07/21 05:53:43

Log message:
    import zpaqfranz-55.5
    zpaq is a free and open source incremental, journaling command-line
    archiver, designed and first implemented by Matt Mahoney. zpaq is
    faster and compresses better than most other popular archivers and
    backup programs, especially for realistic backups that have a lot of
    duplicate files and a lot of already compressed files.
    port from tux0r (tux0r at rosaelefanten [dot] org), who is also taking
    maintainership, thanks!
    ok sthen@
    Vendor Tag: op
    Release Tags:       op_20220721
    N ports/archivers/zpaqfranz/Makefile
    N ports/archivers/zpaqfranz/distinfo
    N ports/archivers/zpaqfranz/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/archivers/zpaqfranz/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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