CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2022/11/24 09:39:35

Log message:
    import ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee, ok solene@
    This package provides a drop-in alternative to that
    captures the output while still printing it in real-time, just the way
    tee does.
    Printing output in real-time while still capturing is valuable for any
    tool that executes long-running child processes. For those, you do want
    to provide instant feedback (progress) related to what is happening.
    Vendor Tag: sthen
    Release Tags:       sthen_20221124
    N ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee/Makefile
    N ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee/distinfo
    N ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee/patches/patch-pyproject_toml
    N ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/sysutils/py-subprocess-tee/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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