CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2023/03/08 03:42:31

Modified files:
        net            : Makefile 
        devel/quirks   : Makefile 
Removed files:
        net/ap-utils   : Makefile distinfo 
        net/ap-utils/files: bin_ap_config 
        net/ap-utils/patches: patch-Makefile_in patch-configure 
                              patch-lib_Makefile_in patch-lib_ap-utils_h 
        net/ap-utils/pkg: DESCR MESSAGE PLIST 

Log message:
Retire net/ap-utils, tools for working with obsolete 802.11b access points
(original WAP11 etc) -this was mostly used to adjust RF power output beyond
what the amp could safely do (often ended up spewing side-channel noise
over most of the 2.4GHz ISM band)

Noticed because op@ went on a sweep for ports with remnants of systrace,
a nice sign of an abandoned port!

ok kn@

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