CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2023/10/25 09:23:59

Modified files:
        databases/sqlports: Makefile 
        databases/sqlports/files: mksqlitedb 

Log message:
major overhaul of the treewalker and options for mksqlitedb
as a result:
- properly show errors at the end.
- show walker errors like I did for dpb.
- feature a "keepgoing" mode that will do the full walk BEFORE exiting
with an error if necessary (but switch from +++ path to !!! path after
the first error, so that interactive runs can be interrupted early on
if deemed applicable)
- feature a "testmode" for trying out a single path
- remove some old obsolete options
- embed some perldoc in the script proper.

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