CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2023/12/03 12:07:28

Log message:
    Import lang/hare, a simple, stable, and robust systems programming language
    ok op@ tobhe@
    Hare is a systems programming language designed to be simple, stable,
    and robust. Hare uses a static type system, manual memory management,
    and a minimal runtime. It is well-suited to writing operating systems,
    system tools, compilers, networking software, and other low-level, high
    performance tasks.
    Vendor Tag: bcallah
    Release Tags:       bcallah_20231203
    N ports/lang/hare/Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/distinfo
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/patches/patch-config_sh
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/patches/patch-Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/patches/patch-tests_configure
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/patches/patch-rt_Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/patches/patch-testmod_Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/lang/hare/harec/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/distinfo
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/patches/patch-Makefile
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/patches/patch-makefiles_openbsd_x86_64_mk
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/lang/hare/hare/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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