>        devel/libpeas  : Makefile
> Log message:
> use ${MODPY_WANTLIB} instead of the actual python library, this would break
> when the default python version changes. found out the hard way by landry@

(Sorry for the formatting problems in previous email, resending with
manual formatting.)

Discounting the flavors, running a grep on the tree shows the same
problem in these?

Maybe not for productivity/googlecl and x11/gnome/conduit? And I am
not sure of textproc/py-chardet

py-psycopg-${VERSION}-python2.4:${BUILD_PKGPATH} \

./editors/libreoffice/Makefile:WANTLIB-main+=   GL GLU Xxf86vm drm

./editors/openoffice3/Makefile:WANTLIB-main+=   GL Xxf86vm
drm python2.6

./graphics/Makefile:     SUBDIR += py-Imaging,python2.4

./graphics/Makefile:     SUBDIR += py-Imaging,python2.6

./net/xorp/Makefile:    @ln -s ${LOCALBASE}/bin/python2.5 ${WRKDIR}/bin/python

./mail/zarafa/zarafa/Makefile:WANTLIB-main += icuuc krb5 lber ldap
mysqlclient ncurses python2.6

./productivity/googlecl/Makefile:       perl -p -i -e
's|^\#\!/usr/bin/python2.5|\#\!${MODPY_BIN}|' \


./x11/gnome/conduit/Makefile:           xargs perl -pi -e
's,/usr/bin/env python2.5,${MODPY_BIN},g;' \

./x11/kde/office3/Makefile:     python2.5 qtmcop readline sndio

./x11/kde/utils3/Makefile:      pthread pthread-stubs python2.5 stdc++ util xcb

 lib/qt4/QtSvg lib/qt4/QtXml m plasma pthread python2.6 qca
qimageblitz \

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