CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2012/03/06 13:11:33

Modified files:
        sysutils/bacula: Makefile distinfo 
        sysutils/bacula/patches: patch-configure 
        sysutils/bacula/pkg: PLIST-bat PLIST-main PLIST-server 
Added files:
        sysutils/bacula/patches: patch-Makefile_in 
Removed files:
        sysutils/bacula/pkg: PFRAG.shared-main PFRAG.shared-server 

Log message:
update to Bacula 5.2.6, ok ajacoutot@ merdely@
- don't use ports libtool, it passes invalid flags to the linker
- since libbaccats-${BACKEND} must have the same .so version as
libbaccats, use a variable to make sure they are kept in-sync
- mark as being SHARED_ONLY and sync/merge plists

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