CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2012/04/06 05:50:20

Modified files:
        audio/audacious-plugins: Makefile 
        audio/audacious-plugins/patches: patch-configure_ac 
        audio/audacious-plugins/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
Some fixes and improvements for the audacious-plugins port:

- sync/re-sort WANTLIBs
- enable GIO support since we have Glib in the dependency path anyway
- simplify one of the Makefile patches a bit
- invert the logic for enabling/disabling the sndio backend
- more appropriate fix for some of the autoconf checks as the LIBS
variable was being polluted very early on breaking most of the
checks using AC_CHECK_LIB as well as remove/fix some improper
use of the AC_CHECK_LIB macro

>From Brad

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