CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2012/12/24 17:07:01

Log message:
    Import fceux-2.2.0.
    FCEUX is a portable and highly accurate NES/Famicom/Famicom Disk System
    emulator with excellent compatibility with almost every rom dump
    available, supports both PAL and NTSC modes, save states, game genie
    support, and networking. FCEUX also offers tools for debugging,
    rom-hacking, map making, Tool-assisted movies, and Lua scripting.
    Finally FCEUX includes a GTK2 GUI to assist in configuration and
    ok rfreeman@ landry@
    Vendor Tag: bentley
    Release Tags:       bentley_20121224
    N ports/emulators/fceux/Makefile
    N ports/emulators/fceux/distinfo
    N ports/emulators/fceux/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/emulators/fceux/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/emulators/fceux/patches/patch-SConstruct
    N ports/emulators/fceux/patches/patch-fceux-server_server_cpp
    No conflicts created by this import

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