CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2014/07/09 04:41:13

Log message:
    QtGStreamer is a set of libraries providing C++ bindings for GStreamer
    with a Qt-style API, plus some helper classes and elements for
    integrating GStreamer better in Qt applications. The goal of this
    module is to allow easy use of GStreamer for applications targetting
    MeeGo Mobile or the KDE desktop.
    This will be used by KDE4 soon. Note that (sadly) the ported version uses
    GStreamer 0.10 still because KDE4 Phonon GStreamer backend still relies on
    it, too. Things would change at the next KDE major release, hopefully.
    okay landry@
    Vendor Tag: zhuk
    Release Tags:       zhuk_20140709
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/Makefile
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/distinfo
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/patches/patch-src_QGlib_CMakeLists_txt
    N ports/multimedia/qt-gstreamer/patches/patch-src_QGst_CMakeLists_txt
    No conflicts created by this import

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