CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2014/11/16 09:33:28

Log message:
    Import sysutils/rcm
    The rcm suite of tools is for managing dotfiles directories. This suite is
    useful for committing your rc files to a central repository to share, but it
    also scales to a more complex situation such as multiple source directories
    shared between computers with some host-specific or task-specific files.
    Works fine on my machine, looks good to sthen@, okay benoit@.
    Ported by Mike Burns, thank you for the effort!
    Vendor Tag: pirofti
    Release Tags:       pirofti_20141116
    N ports/sysutils/rcm/Makefile
    N ports/sysutils/rcm/distinfo
    N ports/sysutils/rcm/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/sysutils/rcm/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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