CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2015/01/08 08:05:53

Log message:
    import p5-Chipcard-PCSC, ok dcoppa@
    PC/SC represents an abstraction layer to smart card readers. It provides
    a communication layer with a wide variety of smart card readers through
    a standardized API.
    This PCSC perl module implements the Chipcard::PCSC class. Objects of
    this class are used to communicate with the PCSC-lite daemon (see pcscd(1)
    for more information).
    A PCSC object can be used to communicate with more than one reader
    through Chipcard::PCSC::Card objects. Please read Chipcard::PCSC::Card
    for extended information on how to talk to a smart card reader.
    Vendor Tag: sthen
    Release Tags:       sthen_20150108
    N ports/security/p5-Chipcard-PCSC/Makefile
    N ports/security/p5-Chipcard-PCSC/distinfo
    N ports/security/p5-Chipcard-PCSC/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/security/p5-Chipcard-PCSC/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/security/p5-Chipcard-PCSC/patches/patch-PCSCperl_h
    No conflicts created by this import

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