CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2017/10/23 15:46:58

Log message:
    Import lang/freebasic, an open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler.
    Tweaks and ok juanfra@
    The FreeBASIC project is a set of cross-platform development tools
    consisting of a compiler, GNU-based assembler, linker and archiver, and
    supporting runtime libraries, including a software-based graphics
    library. The project also contains thin bindings (header files) to some
    popular 3rd party libraries such as the C runtime library, Allegro, SDL,
    OpenGL, GTK+, the Windows API, and many others.
    When used in its "QB" language mode, FreeBASIC provides a high level of
    support for programs written in Microsoft QuickBASIC.
    Vendor Tag: bcallah
    Release Tags:       bcallah_20171023
    N ports/lang/freebasic/Makefile
    N ports/lang/freebasic/distinfo
    N ports/lang/freebasic/patches/patch-makefile
    N ports/lang/freebasic/patches/patch-src_compiler_fb_bas
    N ports/lang/freebasic/patches/patch-src_compiler_fbc_bas
    N ports/lang/freebasic/patches/patch-bootstrap_openbsd-x86_64_fbc_c
    N ports/lang/freebasic/patches/patch-bootstrap_openbsd-x86_fbc_c
    N ports/lang/freebasic/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/lang/freebasic/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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