CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:        2018/04/10 01:55:10

Modified files:
        net/mininet    : Makefile 
        net/mininet/patches: patch-mininet_cli_py patch-mininet_net_py 

Log message:
Various bug fixes:
- Repeated output for 'dpctl' CLI command
- Iperf ignoring interrupt from CLI
- DPID value not passed to switch(4) nodes for assignment
- switch(4) nodes with control channels created later in startup won't have
their channels forwarded to a remote controller
- ping tests waiting forever when controller is explicitly disabled
- local forwarding controller not correctly tracked for teardown
- trying to log to extraneous file for switchd(8) node
- wrong method used for getting bridge(4) node info
- manpage for mn not generated properly

OK jca@ phessler@
OK for earlier version of diffs jasper@ sthen@

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