CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2018/09/24 09:47:39

Log message:
    import p5-IO-BufferedSelect 1.0
    from Paul B. Henson; OK sthen@
    line-buffered select interface
    The purpose of this module is to implement a buffered version of
    the select interface that operates on lines, rather than characters.
    Given a set of filehandles, it will block until a full line is
    available on one or more of them.
    Vendor Tag: bluhm_20180924
    Release Tags:       bluhm
    N ports/devel/p5-IO-BufferedSelect/Makefile
    N ports/devel/p5-IO-BufferedSelect/distinfo
    N ports/devel/p5-IO-BufferedSelect/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/devel/p5-IO-BufferedSelect/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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