CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2019/01/10 18:09:50

Modified files:
        devel/quirks   : Makefile 
        net/haproxy    : Makefile distinfo 

Log message:
Update to haproxy-1.8.17

Fix CVE-2018-20615: """BUG/CRITICAL: mux-h2: re-check the frame
length when PRIORITY is used

An incorrect frame length check is performed on HEADERS frame having
the PRIORITY flag, possibly resulting in a read-past-bound which can
cause a crash depending how the frame is crafted. All 1.9 and 1.8
versions are affected. As a result, all HTTP/2 users must either
upgrade or temporarily disable HTTP/2 by commenting the "npn h2" and
"alpn h2" statements on their related "bind" lines."""

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