On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 11:33:15PM +0100, Pedro la Peu wrote:
> > Sorry, but I'm still fighting 
> So why no feedback? Nada. Nothing. If I knew how to make it perfect for 
> OpenBSD it already would be. Stop fighting and start talking.

The problem with the original configure.in is that gpsmap and
gpsmap-helper-earthamaps are build and installed automagically if
the required programs and libraries (GMP, ImageMagick, Expat) are
available, and you can't disable gps with --disable-gps, since that
part of configure.in is commented out.

The partial patch below makes --disable-gps available, but it's not
enough, since the build then fails an panelfront:

c++ -I/usr/local/include -DVERSION_MAJOR=\"2005\" -DVERSION_MINOR=\"06\" 
-DVERSION_TINY=\"R1\" -DTIMESTAMP=\"`cat TIMESTAMP`\" -O2 -pipe -O2 -pipe 
-Ilibpcap-0.9.1-kis -c panelfront.cc -o panelfront.o 
panelfront.cc: In member function `void PanelFront::UpdateContexts()':
panelfront.cc:1229: error: 'class GPSD' has no member named 'EarthDistance'
gmake: *** [panelfront.o] Error 1
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/mystuff/net/kismet.kili (line 1807 of 

This is the part of patches/patch-configure_in:

@@ -316,16 +317,14 @@ else
-AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GPS, 1, GPS support will be built.)
-#[  --disable-gps           disable GPS support],
-#      wantgps=no, wantgps=yes)
-#if test "$wantgps" = "no"; then
-#      AC_MSG_WARN(*** GPS support will not be built. ***)
-#      AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GPS, 1, GPS support will be built.)
+[  --disable-gps           disable GPS support],
+       wantgps=no, wantgps=yes)
+if test "$wantgps" = "no"; then
+       AC_MSG_WARN(*** GPS support will not be built. ***)
+       AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GPS, 1, GPS support will be built.)
 [  --with-linuxheaders[=DIR]     Custom location of the Linux kernel headers 
if the glibc copies are insufficient ],

With wantgps=no, kismet won't build, neither on i386 nor on zaurus.

'nough feedback for now? I've just not yet figured out what exactly
is necessary to make --disable-gps work.

[And yes, I could just remove gpsmap stuff from PLIST, but it's
error-prone in case someone makes update-plist]


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