On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 02:29:46PM +0200, Robbert Haarman wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created OpenBSD ports for GNU Smalltalk
> (http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/) and the Portable Forth
> Environment (http://pfe.sourceforge.net/). Both are attached for
> those who want to test. Comments welcome.
>       -- Bob

In case anyone is interested, let me remind you of squeak, which
is a complete smalltalk environment, and works just fine on OpenBSD
32 bits platforms.

There is some ongoing effort to make the squeak vm work cleanly on
64 bits platform. So far, it's in beta, and  I haven't had a time to
make a port yet.

Obviously, it's not quite the same as gnu smalltalk, if you really need
gnu smalltalk, but it's a very good introduction to smalltalk and a fairly
rich environment (unless, of course, you only have a 64 bits platform

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