On Fri, 14 Jul 2006, steven mestdagh wrote:

Louis Bertrand [2006-07-13, 21:39:57]:

I would like to submit a port of cflow-1.1, a C program to
analyze C source files and print a call graph. This is not
the same as cflow 2.x which is a shell script that uses
lex and yacc. It's not as comprehensive as cscope, but
I find it useful to start studying a program.

Some notes:

I'm confused about the distinction between WANTLIB and
LIB_DEPENDS. I used WANTLIB for the statically linked libintl
(devel/gettext) and libiconv (converters/libiconv).

Tested on -current/macppc (July 2) and -current/i386 (July 10).

It's my first port. Be gentle.

linked from http://www.bertrandtech.ca/openbsd.html

looks fairly good.

you want to use MODULES=devel/gettext and regenerate the PLIST.
(this also takes care of libiconv dependency)
I added MODULES and removed LIB_DEPENDS.

this isn't building any shared libraries, so why use CONFIGURE_SHARED?
I misinterpreted this as "use shared libs vs. statically linked".

Latest, tested on macppc and i386:


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