
I'm having problems getting gstreamer to integrate with amaroK after I 
updated the packages. All I have in the engine tab is xine, there used 
to be gstreamer too.

The first time I started amaroK after the upgraded to 1.4, it gave me a 
notification-error that gstreamer couldn't be loaded and that xine is 

I've tried rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok and restarting amarok, doing 
a first run and all. But to no avail.

Also I've checked to see if I missed an update with pkg_add -u gstreamer 
and pkg_add -u amarok and they all were up-to-date.

>From the update.log file these were the only warnings I received while 
installing the two packages:

New package gstreamer-0.8.11p0 contains potentially unsafe operations
        @exec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Adding gstreamer-0.8.11p0 (replacing gstreamer-0.8.11p0)
New package gstreamer-esd-0.8.11p7 contains potentially unsafe 
        @exec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Old package gstreamer-esd-0.8.11 contains potentially unsafe operations
        @unexec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Adding gstreamer-esd-0.8.11p7 (replacing gstreamer-esd-0.8.11)
New package gstreamer-mad-0.8.11p7 contains potentially unsafe 
        @exec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Old package gstreamer-mad-0.8.11 contains potentially unsafe operations
        @unexec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Adding gstreamer-mad-0.8.11p7 (replacing gstreamer-mad-0.8.11)
New package gstreamer-ogg-0.8.11p7 contains potentially unsafe 
        @exec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Old package gstreamer-ogg-0.8.11 contains potentially unsafe operations
        @unexec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Adding gstreamer-ogg-0.8.11p7 (replacing gstreamer-ogg-0.8.11)
New package gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p7 contains potentially unsafe 
        @exec GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`/usr/local/bin/gconftool-2 
--get-default-source` /usr/local
--makefile-install-rule /usr/local/share/schemas/gst-plugins/*.schemas 
> /dev
        @exec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Old package gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p4 contains potentially unsafe 
        @unexec /usr/local/bin/gst-register > /dev/null 2>&1
(forcing update)
Adding gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p7 (replacing gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p4)

Here's my package details, and part of my dmesg. If any other 
information is required feel free to ask.

$ pkg_info | grep gstreamer
gstreamer-0.8.11p0  GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
gstreamer-esd-0.8.11p7 GStreamer plugin for outputting to esd
gstreamer-mad-0.8.11p7 GStreamer plugin for decoding mp3 files using MAD
gstreamer-ogg-0.8.11p7 GStreamer plugin for demuxing Ogg streams
gstreamer-plugins-0.8.11p7 GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-ins.
$ pkg_info | grep amarok
amarok-1.4.0a       music player for kde

$ dmesg
OpenBSD 4.0-beta (GENERIC) #1064: Tue Aug 15 15:37:34 MDT 2006
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
cpu0: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 2.40 


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