On Wednesday 27 September 2006 04:00, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 03:07:37PM -0400, STeve Andre' wrote:
> >    In building the latest set of packages for 4.0-current, I seem
> > to be compiling things multiple times for some packages.  One
> > example is devel/gstreamer.  On my previous build, it took 30
> > minutes to compile streamer, then all the flavors.  This build,
> > gstreamer + flavors took 10 hours.   It also seems that jdk-1.5
> > took the normal several hours, but then jre-1.5 took about
> > the same amount of time.  Looking at the builder right now,
> > it seems that xmane+xmess took two hours, with xmame
> > taking 2 hours as well.  I wonder what will happen when it
> > hits KDE.  It appears that things get compiled all over again
> > each time, which is why gstreamer took so long(?).
> You're using `make update' or FORCE_UPDATE, right ?
> There's a bug there which I'm currently fixing.
> I should commit as soon as I've convinced myself I've got a fix...

No, I was doing my usual make -k package.   I've never seen this

--STeve Andre'

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