Hi, this is my first efforts to work with OpenBSD ports tree. I would like to provide a patch for x11/openbox port, which is outdated (3.3-rc2 -> 3.3), and also propose two new ports, both useful for wireless junkies. The ports are weplab WEP cracking tool (http://weplab.sourceforge.net) and aircrack-ng suite (http://www.aircrack-ng.org). Some notes. Some tools from aircrack-ng suite are very linux-specific, so there is no chance to build it under OpenBSD (most noticeable example is aireplay-ng packet injection tool). But I'm working on it, and I hope I finish to port it (or better say, to rewrite it from scratch) sooner or later.

Here is the links:

http://www.toxahost.ru/aircrack.tgz - aircrack-ng NEW port
http://www.toxahost.ru/weplab.tgz - weplab NEW port
http://www.toxahost.ru/openbox.diff - openbox UPDATE (3.3-rc2 -> 3.3)

Hope somebody find it useful...

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