On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 09:02:17AM -0600, Beavis wrote:
> I'm running 4.0-current, and i would like to update my binary
> packages i tried to run

First, if you're running -current, it's assumed that you know what
you're doing and can deal with breakages on your own. If you don't
know what you're doing, go back to -stable.

At the very least, you should know how to report a problem.
Reporting a problem starts with reading the man pages (pkg_add(1)
among others, in this case) and the FAQ. If you can't resolve your
problem even after referring to the man pages, check the mailing
list archives.

If you're still coming up short, consider sending a message to the
mailing list. If you do, be sure to include relevant information
that will help other people debug your problem. In this case, that
would include (at a minimum):
     * the command you ran (pasted)
     * the full error you got (pasted)
     * what you've tried to do to resolve the problem

> pkg_add -u and i got a PKG_PATH not found (dig up google and found
> out that you need to point it to the latest packages available
> "SNAPSHOTS") I was successfull at updating some, but when it comes
> to upgrading stuff like GTK+2 I'm getting into a lot of trouble
> due to a lot of dependencies, given all of these stuff ... I would
> like to know from any of the folks here. What would be the most
> effective way of upgrading binaries?

pkg_add(1); specifically the -u option. You don't really explain
what the problem is. You think there are too many dependencies? Or
the dependencies are failing during the upgrade?


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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