On 2020/11/12 18:09, Allan Streib wrote:
> Hi all,
> First time porter, thought this seemed like something simple to get my
> feet wet but I immediately ran into a few questions.
> I wanted to set up a local Ubuntu repository mirror on my network, using
> an OpenBSD machine. apt-mirror is the tool for this, it's basically a
> perl script that uses wget.
> https://github.com/apt-mirror/apt-mirror
> Firstly, is this worth having a port? It's simple enough to just install
> as-is if someone wants it.

Doesn't seem a bad idea.

> The man page implies an "apt-mirror" user would normally run this via
> cron to keep the mirror updated. Is it normal to create a new user and
> group for something that isn't a daemon? It's a script any user can run.
> I'll submit my port for review after adapting based on any feedback.
> Thanks,
> Allan

Since we don't seem to be making any progress on agreeing on an
additional uid range to use for ports (anything proposed so far either
bumps into ranges used in some developer large installations, or uses
high numbers resulting in concerns about large /var/log/lastlog if
they're ever used to login), and we get closer to running into the
default "normal user" uid range, I would lean towards not adding
user/group for this to help conserve "ports uids" and allow users to
handle that themselves.

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