On 2020/11/08 01:46, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:
> This diff drops boost_python27 and boost_numpy27.

Dropping boost_python27* needs work first;

sqlite> select * from wantlib where value like 'boost_python27%';

audio/py-tagpy: uses boost_python27-mt for the py2 flavour.
This is used by audio/zeya, http://web.psung.name/zeya/, which is
not active upstream. Server requirements: Python 2.5+ (2.6+
recommended), Latest release: 0.6  17 September 2011.

- Seems sensible to retire zeya and switch tagpy to py3-only.

vegastrike: currently py2 only. Redhat dropped it in 2019
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1738149), the situation
changed since then and it's under development again (0.6.0 was released
recently), py3 support targetted for 0.7 devel / 0.8.0.

- Maybe mark broken for now?

openimageio: ports only uses this for Blender, the old version of this
in ports requires Py 3.7, so Blender can't be using the oiio Python bindings.
(this has a very active upstream, the port is overdue an update).

- This does build ok with MODPY_VERSION=${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3} so maybe
just do that?

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