On 2020/11/23 12:43, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2020/11/23 09:13, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> > On Mon, November 23, 2020 08:05, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > On 2020/11/23 05:14, Dimitri Karamazov wrote:
> > >
> > >>>> /usr/obj/ports/i2p-0.9.47/i2p-0.9.47/core/c/build.sh
> > >>>> Building openbsd .sos
> > >>>> Please ensure you have a Java SDK installed
> > >>>> and/or set JAVA_HOME then re-run this script. ERROR: Cannot find 
> > >>>> jni.h! Looked in "/include/jni.h" Please set
> > >>>> JAVA_HOME to a java home that has the JNI
> > >>>>
> > >> The error until this part is probably because of jdk11 being set as 
> > >> builddep,
> > >> even though it requires jdk1.8 as is defined in the Makefile
> > >
> > > Yes this is strange because the port shouldn't build on aarch64 at all
> > > (set by java.port.mk).
> > >
> > >
> > > $ cd /usr/ports/net/i2p; make show=ONLY_FOR_ARCHS
> > > i386 amd64
> > >
> > >>>> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/aarch64/2020-11-20/java/tanukiwrapper.log
> > >>>>
> > >
> > > same here
> > >
> > >
> > Don't know the reason for above, maybe one should check if the rest
> > of the ports with MODJAVA_VER=1.8 are compatible with version 11.
> > That could be the reason they didn't give out any errors.
> it's because the port pulls in bsd.port.arch.mk itself, which has side 
> effects.
> I have updated these two ports to manually set ONLY_FOR_ARCHS because
> the setting coming from java.port.mk is ignored.
> > Forgot to add REVISION bump.
> > The below changes are necessary, unless JAVA_HOME is manually appended to 
> > PATH
> > while building, not a thing to leave up to chance.
> This script is not called in the build.


>> Fetch https://download.i2p2.de/releases/0.9.47/i2psource_0.9.47.tar.bz2
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