
This is a quote from Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> from couple of
months ago:

> I would really recommend people just make a partition for /usr/ports and
> save the hassle and potential problems of moving it elsewhere via
> environment/ mk.conf/attempts with symlinks...

He mentions that kind of sentiment few times on the mailing list. When I
look at couple of my machines which do have ports checked out, they're
never in default /usr/ports location.

I wanted to finally have at least one machine with default location and
then ralized, no good quide what size to assign to the partition. Should
that be just part of /usr partition? I'm not sure, does the installer or
actually disklabel and its automatic disk allocation takes ports
development into account with sizing? What are your setups? Are
you having /usr/ports on /usr partition or do you create separate
partition for /usr/ports? What would be its size?

I've glanced at main Porter's Handbook page[1] and didn't find
anything about disk slicing and disk requirements.

I've looked at FAQ's Disk Partitioning[2], hier(7) and ports(7), but I
don't see any info about partition allocation and sizing. I think from
my perspective that lack of information is main contributor, why I
don't use default location for ports.

[1] https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/index.html
[2] https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#Partitioning


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