In the ports I maintain I usually silence all the str*/sprintf warnings
by replacing them with strl* or snprintf.  However in more than one port
update I'm working on, I notice that the authors have chosen to do this
rather than use strl*/strn*:

        char             kdir[ MAXPATHLEN ];
        if ( strlen( path ) >= MAXPATHLEN ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "%s: path too long\n", path );
            exit( 2 );
        strcpy( kdir, path );

So my question is:  should I leave the above code alone, or
is it preferred to always replace strcat/strcpy/sprintf with
strlcat/strlcpy/snprintf (checking return values of course)?

if you replace string functions in ports with strl....() equivalents, you are only making it harder to maintain the port. just don't do it.

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