On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 11:13:53PM +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> Selon Aurelien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Is it possible now to commit this patch?
> Not with hardcoded path.
Maybe this could be a better patch ?
diff -ruNx CVS mail/postfix/Makefile.inc mystuff/mail/postfix/Makefile.inc
--- mail/postfix/Makefile.inc   Fri Feb 16 22:03:10 2007
+++ mystuff/mail/postfix/Makefile.inc   Mon Mar 19 09:43:13 2007
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
 MAKE_AUXLIBS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib/db4 -ldb
+       @perl -pi -e 's|/cyrus/bin|${PREFIX}/libexec/cyrus-imapd|g' 
        @cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE_PROGRAM} makefiles \
                CC="${CC}" OPT="${CFLAGS}" DEBUG="${MAKE_DEBUG}" \

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