On Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 11:42:53AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2020/10/08 02:33, James Cook wrote:
> > I'm reporting a slight hiccup upgrading from 6.7 to snapshot. This might
> > count as my own fault, but reporting it in case it's something that's
> > supposed to run smoothly. (I was able to recover; no help needed.)
> > 
> > I upgraded from 6.7 to a snapshot (with sysupgrade -s), then ran
> > "doas pkg_add -u", and got this:
> > 
> > 
> > Collision in python-3.8.6: the following files already exist
> >         /usr/local/bin/2to3 from python-3.8.6
> >         /usr/local/bin/pydoc3 from python-3.8.6
> >         /usr/local/bin/python3 from python-3.8.6
> >         /usr/local/bin/python3-config from python-3.8.6
> >         /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/python3.pc from python-3.8.6
> > It seems to be a missing package registration
> This is because,
> 1) The default Python version in ports was switched from 3.7 to 3.8,
> so the symlinks for the "default names" moved at that time
> 2) After this, Python 3.7 was updated in 6.7-stable
> The @conflict lines in the PLIST files for 3.8 in -current should have
> been updated after the -stable update, so pkg_add doesn't know that
> it needs to update 3.7.9 to the "6.8 version" (without the symlinks)
> before installing 3.8.
> We can't do anything for the main 6.8 release packages now, but it can
> be fixed in 6.8-stable once it's open. For those arches with -stable
> packages available, once those packages are built it shouldn't be
> noticeable to users.
> > After this, pkg_delete partial-python; pkg_add python3; pkg_add -u
> > completed the upgrade without trouble (though I haven't tested anything).
> Yes that should do the trick.

Somehow, this old problem is still haunting my computer. I'm reviving
this old thread for two reasons:

1. In case the below is a useful bug report.

2. To request advice dealing with it. (My goal: I'd like to have a
   functioning /usr/local/bin/python3 symlink, and no
   "partial-python-3.8.7" package.)


Ever since the problem I reported above, I've had trouble with the
Python3 symlinks whenever I run pkg_add -u on that same system. I
haven't kept careful track, so I'll start with the most recent

* Today, I noticed that I had no /usr/local/bin/python3 symlink, even
  though I have python-3.8.7 installed. (This is probably because I had
  earlier uninstalled the "partial-python-3.(something)" package.)

* Seeing that, I decided to force-reinstall Python 3.8, resulting in
  the following:

  falsifian angel tmp $ doas pkg_add -u -D installed python-3.8.7
  quirks-3.519 signed on 2021-01-24T21:22:51Z
  quirks-3.519->3.519: ok
  python-3.8.7:libffi-3.3->3.3: ok
  python-3.8.7:libiconv-1.16p0->1.16p0: ok
  python-3.8.7:gettext-runtime-0.21p0->0.21p0: ok
  python-3.8.7:sqlite3-3.34.0->3.34.0: ok
  python-3.8.7:xz-5.2.5->5.2.5: ok
  python-3.8.7:bzip2-1.0.8p0->1.0.8p0: ok
  Bogus symlink: /usr/local/bin/2to3
  Bogus symlink: /usr/local/bin/pydoc3
  Bogus symlink: /usr/local/bin/python3
  Bogus symlink: /usr/local/bin/python3-config
  Bogus symlink: /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/python3.pc
  Bad rename /usr/local/bin/2to3 to /usr/local/bin/2to3.HZzyyvf4Qq: No such 
file or directory
  Bad rename /usr/local/bin/pydoc3 to /usr/local/bin/pydoc3.IA1AJiEcMU: No such 
file or directory
  Bad rename /usr/local/bin/python3 to /usr/local/bin/python3.puMIJ7N7oe: No 
such file or directory
  Bad rename /usr/local/bin/python3-config to 
/usr/local/bin/python3-config.QD8CNhk2EW: No such file or directory
  Bad rename /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/python3.pc to 
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/python3.pc.jrFTvKCyzK: No such file or directory
  python-3.8.7->3.8.7: ok
  Read shared items: ok
  --- -python-3.8.7 -------------------
  Files kept as partial-python-3.8.7 package

I have no idea what's happening here. Somehow, pkg_add has decided that
the symlinks (which didn't exist before I ran the command) should now
be part of a new "partial-python-3.8.7" package:

  falsifian angel tmp $ pkg_info -L partial-python-3.8.7
  Information for inst:partial-python-3.8.7

Here's what I remember from the time between the October 2020 thread
and today:

* For a while (possibly still continuing to today; I haven't been
  paying close attention) every time I ran pkg_add -u, I would see
  error messages related to /usr/local/bin/python3 and other symlinks
  (but the upgrade seems to work). I think the error messages were
  generally similar to what's shown above, but I'm not sure.

* The symlinks were generally kept in a "partial-python-3.(something)"

* I deleted that partial-python-3.(something) package, probably more
  than once. I guess that is why /usr/local/bin/python3 didn't exist
  today when I checked.

I guess my system is in some state that pkg_add can't puzzle its way
out of. But I don't know enough about pkg_add internals to untangle the

I guess I could try uninstalling python-3.8.7 and partial-python-3.8.7
and then installing python-3.8.7 from that "clean" state. I haven't
done it yet because it will involve reinstalling a lot of packages, and
in case this represents some pkg_add bug that should be fixed.

(Incidentally, what prompted me to finally try to figure this out is
that the google-cloud-sdk package doesn't work properly if there's no
python3 symlink. It was falling back to python2, with which it seems to
be incompatible.)


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