
trash-cli (https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli) is a command
line interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash.

* Change distutils.core to setuptools in setup.py because trash-cli uses
  install_requires and long_description, which generates warning while
  building port.

* Change python to python3 in test_end_to_end_restore.py

It builds well on amd64. There are following issues though:

* There is a javascript project also called trash-cli
  (https://github.com/sindresorhus/trash-cli). Is modification to port's
  name required? If so, what is the recommended practice?

* pytest fail with 2 errors because it tries to run 'chmod +t' on a
  chmod: sandbox/sticky: Inappropriate file type or format
  I think it is chmod's expected behavior. How should I deal with these
  errors? Maybe use @pytest.mark.skip?


Attachment: trash-cli.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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