Hi Matthias,

Now that we have the framework in place we can upgrade the rest of the
haskell binary packages. I'll send them as distinct patches as they are
independent and can be submitted in any order. I annotated the ports
where I expect quirks to be required, please let me know if I missed
any. I'll also start removing hs-* ports as they become unreferenced.

If we move fast we have a chance of shipping all of these ports upgraded
to modern versions for 6.9. If not, no biggie, the changes are staged
such that we can do an arbitrary subset and pause.

Here's the full list:

 * Use devel/cabal module for devel/alex and upgrade to 3.2.5
 * Use devel/cabal module for devel/hasktags and upgrade 0.71.2
 * Use devel/cabal module for x11/xmobar and upgrade to 0.37
 * Use devel/cabal module for devel/darcs and upgrade to 2.16.3
 * Use devel/cabal module for x11/xmonad (still the latest release)
 * Use devel/cabal module for devel/shellcheck and upgrade to 0.7.1
 * Use devel/cabal module for devel/cpphs and upgrade to


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