
I'd like to submit my project sfeed (www/sfeed) and sfeed_curses
(www/sfeed_curses) as a port for OpenBSD.

The attached gzipped tarball contains both ports.


sfeed is a RSS and Atom parser (and some format programs).

It converts RSS or Atom feeds from XML to a TAB-separated file. There are
formatting programs included to convert this TAB-separated format to various
other formats. There are also some programs and scripts included to import and
export OPML and to fetch, filter, merge and order feed items.

This simple text format works well with standard UNIX tools such as awk(1).

The programs make use of pledge(2) with few promises, for example the core
sfeed parser program has a pledge("stdio", NULL) and parses data from stdin, it
is network protocol-agnostic and can be used easily for example with the
OpenBSD ftp(1) program of the base system.

Like so:
        ftp -M -V -w 15 -o - 'https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=rss' | \
                sfeed | \

This command fetches the undeadly.org RSS feed, pipes it to sfeed which
converts it from XML to TSV then pipes it to the formatting program sfeed_plain
which formats it to a plain-text list.

It has few dependencies and should work on all OpenBSD architectures.

Blog post:     https://codemadness.org/sfeed.html
README:        https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed/file/README.html
Git repo:      git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed/
Releases:      https://codemadness.org/releases/sfeed/
Releases feed: https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed/tags.xml


sfeed_curses is a curses UI front-end for sfeed.

It shows the TAB-separated feed items in a graphical command-line UI. The
interface has a look inspired by the mutt mail client. It has a sidebar panel
for the feeds, a panel with a listing of the items and a small statusbar for
the selected item/url. Some functions like searching and scrolling are
integrated in the interface itself.

Blog post:     https://codemadness.org/sfeed_curses.html
README:        https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed_curses/file/README.html
Git repo:      git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed_curses/
Releases:      https://codemadness.org/releases/sfeed_curses/
Releases feed: https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed_curses/tags.xml

Kind regards,

Attachment: www_sfeed.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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