I have made available a port of the Tailor tool at:


>From the blurb:

  Tailor is a tool to migrate changesets between ArX, Bazaar, Bazaar-NG, CVS,
  Codeville, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Perforce, Subversion, and Tla

  It performs its job by executing several "migration steps", using a replay
  mechanism that basically fetches the changesets from any of the source
  backends and replays each one on the target system. The process can be
  extensively configured very deeply in several ways, from tweaking a
  relatively simple configuration file to writing pre- and post- Python
  hooks. Tailor can be used for both "one shot" repository conversion or for
  keeping in sync repositories using different systems.

I have tested some parts of this port, but not all (it has a lot of
backends!). The regression tests aren't particularly helpful. However so far
everything has worked as advertised. Tested on i386 and amd64, both
-current. I welcome reports from other platforms.

http://tratt.net/laurie/    -- Personal
http://convergepl.org/      -- The Converge programming language
http://sosym.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/ -- Software and Systems Modelling Team

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