On Sun 20/02/2022 08:04, Lucas Raab wrote:
> Hello,
> The current version in-tree of this library is for influxdb<=1.7.4.
> An entirely new library was written for influxdb>=1.8.0. The initial
> thought is that this would be imported as "new", but effectively
> replace the current package. Thoughts?
> Current package name: py-influxdb
> Upstream is carrying the name: influxdb-client-python (but assuming
> py-influxdb-client is what would be used)
> Attached is the new port, feedback on that one as well?
> I disabled tests since they require py-test>=5.0, but as for using
> the library, I've been using it with InfluxDB Cloud (which is really
> 2.0) so far without issues (only reading/writing data though).
> Thanks,
> Lucas

Is there a reason for killing off databases/influxdb upon importing this
port? If not, there is no need to use EPOCH; this port has a different

Instead of setting both DISTNAME and PKGNAME I would prefer to set only
PKGNAME. Makes Makefile a bit more simpler.

pkg/DESCR points to https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python. Why
not point to our port of it? BTW, does this comment add value if the
goal is to replace databases/py-influxdb?

Build tested only, with and without the diff below.

diff --git Makefile Makefile
index 3afb5ecb6b9..e53129038a2 100644
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -3,16 +3,14 @@
 COMMENT =      Python client library for InfluxDB 1.8+
 MODPY_EGG_VERSION =    1.26.0
-DISTNAME =             influxdb-client-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION}
-PKGNAME =              py-${DISTNAME}
-EPOCH =                        0
+GH_ACCOUNT =           influxdata
+GH_PROJECT =           influxdb-client-python
+PKGNAME =              py-influxdb-client-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION}
 CATEGORIES =   databases
 HOMEPAGE =     https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-python
-GH_ACCOUNT =   influxdata
-GH_PROJECT =   influxdb-client-python
 # MIT
diff --git distinfo distinfo
index f72dd89a4db..b9e9be0d41a 100644
--- distinfo
+++ distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (influxdb-client-1.26.0.tar.gz) = 
-SIZE (influxdb-client-1.26.0.tar.gz) = 1682775
+SHA256 (influxdb-client-python-1.26.0.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (influxdb-client-python-1.26.0.tar.gz) = 1682775
diff --git pkg/DESCR pkg/DESCR
index b29eeb61d3f..0907c4d1c46 100644
--- pkg/DESCR
+++ pkg/DESCR
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 InfluxDB-Python is a client for interacting with InfluxDB 1.8+. If you need a
-version for InfluxDB <=1.7.4, please see
+version for InfluxDB <=1.7.4, please see databases/py-influxdb.

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