On 2022 Mar 19 (Sat) at 15:54:51 -0600 (-0600), phess...@openbsd.org wrote:
:build failures: 6

c++, might be wonky includes?


hardcodes sse in CMakeLists.txt

without patches, this can only build on i386 or amd64


as per usual, go is stupid:

# gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/vendor/github.com/kr/pty
vendor/github.com/kr/pty/pty_openbsd.go:24:10: undefined: ptmget
vendor/github.com/kr/pty/pty_openbsd.go:25:34: undefined: ioctl_PTMGET

If no-one fixes this in a few days, we might as well mark it as BROKEN-aarch64


Creating index...'/usr/local/bin/swish-e -c t/test.conf -f t/index.swish-e -v 0'
^^^^ crashes on aarch64


fails to compile an intel-arch-only file

first guess is BUILD.gn thinks aarch64 is x86 or x64 at this point?


   Compiling libc v0.2.24
error[E0412]: cannot find type `c_long` in this scope

Every solution breeds new problems.

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