Here's a new build dependency for my new libdigidocpp port, see ports@.

Works fine on amd64, although tests currently fail with 'Abort trap' in
gmake(1)... this port is using a bundled "build-0.3" program, which is a
"massively-parallel build system implemented on top of GNU make".

Feedback? OK?

        Information for inst:xsd-4.1.0.a11

        W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler

        CodeSynthesis XSD is a W3C XML Schema to C++ translator.  It generates
        vocabulary-specific, statically-typed C++ mappings (also called 
bindings) from
        XML Schema definitions.  XSD supports two C++ mappings: in-memory 
C++/Tree and
        event-driven C++/Parser.

        The C++/Tree mapping consists of C++ classes that represent data types 
        in XML Schema, a set of parsing functions that convert XML documents to 
        tree-like in-memory object model, and a set of serialization functions 
        convert the object model back to XML.

        The C++/Parser mapping provides parser skeletons for data types defined 
in XML
        Schema. Using these parser skeletons you can build your own in-memory
        representations or perform immediate processing of XML documents.

        Maintainer: Klemens Nanni <>


        Install notice:
        xsd is installed as xsdcxx(1) to avoid conflicts with lang/mono's 

Attachment: xsd.tgz
Description: Binary data

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